
If you feel the need to make contact because you have information you think I may want or you may have some kind of question it really isn’t that difficult. Just follow the simple instructions below.

What you need to do is go to the town of Ouadane Mauritania (near the lost city of Atlantis) and make your way to the Ouadane Masque. Not the ancient one, that I do recommend checking out, and not the new one near the center of town unless your looking for a good service, but the main one. Make your way into the courtyard and find Bubba. He is usually there because he has been tasked with sweeping all the sand out of the courtyard.

When you see Bubba walk up to him and say (this is the important part, do NOT get this wrong!) “Oh wise Bubba I have traveled far for your wisdom, Enkidu is who I seek and your ass is the only one who knows of his location“. At this point it is really up to Bubba. If he believes your intentions are true and he says you can make contact he will summon his ass and wait. At this point a snack and some water is not a bad idea. It gets warm here,,,ur,,um there. When the time is right you can leave the courtyard and head to the ally behind the mosque.

When you can clearly see Bubba’s ass you are almost there. Bubba’s ass’s name is Filbert. Now you need to write your name, email address and phone number on a piece of paper with a short description of why you made the journey. There is a small clip on Filberts rope, its actually a bag clip from my potato chips, where you can affix your note.

A word of advice, bring Filbert a little snack of hey or alfalfa and some fresh water. It motivates him to do things for you.

If you need a place to stay while you are there I highly recommend the Chez Auberge Agoueidire just outside of town. Nice people, good food and clean.

I would like to thank you in advance for your comments feedback and questions. I can offer no time frame for when I will get back to you.