Tenley Threatening Lives


Mannequin with Knife in it’s head from Tenley Myers

Before leaving her castle in Carson CA to come threaten my family in Washington Tenley left this mannequin or effigy if you will with a knife in its head on a families porch. This is a family with a young child. But Tenley Doesn’t care because children are fare game to her. The below pictures were taken February 11th 2024.

As you can see there is a threatening note attached with the use of a knife to the head. A clear threat of violence especially when coupled with the open ended “Don’t and find out” threat.

Not to take away from the seriousness of the situation but this is the funniest misjudgment of space I have seen since grammar school. Remember when you would run out of paper and just keep writing in the margins. The note also states three things that have to be done in a list of 4 things. But I digress.

I really have no idea the back story on any of what is in this note other than number three. When our father was arrested on child pornography charges they searched his house and found his guns. In order to save the guns Tenley had him take ownership of three of them somehow. She told me the story back in 2009 before dad died when she told me about the arrest from ICE when he re-entered the US coming from Costa Rica. Not sure why she would demand I get them now. I have never shot any of dads guns and they changed hands long before he passed. Maybe she just needed more demands so she could fill the paper.

Now, if I get into my way-back machine and spit out a picture you can see in the next snapshot from a little over three years prior what one could only presume is the same unfortunate corps like Tenley Tormenting Tool of an effigy on the hood of Tenley’s Lincoln Navigator in her driveway at Carson Harbor Village 17707 Avalon Blvd Space 223 Carson, CA 90746 of the mobile home that she owned at the time. This picture was taken November 24 2020. This is a couple years before the one above. And you can clearly see the tile of ownership to Tenley.

So my guess is, and this is pure speculation knowing her like I do, that Tenley used that mannequin/effigy as a toy to mess with her neighbors or whoever now and again but when she was cleaning out her trailer to sell it before she split town and knew she couldn’t take it with her she shouldn’t pass up the opportunity to use it to harass and threaten an adversary. We are all adversaries by the way.

This is nothing new. Back when Tenley was living on the cheap and working as a harasser for Agnes in She would leave notes for the Tenants making the looking like they were written in blood:

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